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Christian Periodical Index for Librarians: Fulltext Titles Available to All

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CPI Titles Available Full-text from Publishers

*Coverage may be complete or only select issues/articles

Journal Title

Fulltext Coverage

Acts & Facts

1999+ (PDF)

Affirmation & Critique

1996+ (PDF)

(Articles are available 1 year after being published in print.)

Africa Journal of Evangelical Theology 1982-2015 (PDF)

Africanus Journal

2009+ (PDF)

Alliance Academic Review

select, 1996-2000

American Church Magazine

December 2012 - 2015 (PDF)

Anabaptist World select articles, 2020+


July 2006+


2020+ (PDF)

Artistic Theologian

2012+ (PDF)

Asbury Journal

2006+ (PDF)

Asbury Seminarian

1945-1985 (PDF)

Asbury Theological Journal

1986-2005 (PDF)

Assemblies of God Heritage

1981+ (PDF)

Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth 2011+ (PDF)
Baptist Bulletin current issue and select articles, 1938-1945

Bible Study Magazine

Nov/Dec 2014+

Bible Translator

Sample issue only

Bioethics in Faith and Practice 2015+ (PDF)

Books & Culture

select, 1995-2016

Brethren in Christ History & Life select, 2012+

Bulletin of Ecclesial Theology

2014+ (PDF)

Burning Bush

1995+ (PDF)

Canadian Journal of Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity

2010-2019 (PDF)

Carson-Newman Studies 2000+ (PDF)
Channels : Where Disciplines Meet 2016+ (PDF)
Charisma June 2018+
Christian Business Academy Review 2006+ (PDF)

Christian Business Review


Christian Education Journal Sample issue only
Christian Educators Journal 1961-2010 (PDF)

Christian Higher Education

Sample issue only

Christian History

1982+ (PDF)

Christian Journal for Global Health

2014+ (PDF)

Christian Librarian

2000+ (PDF)

Christian Reflection

Organized by topic not year published

Christian Research Journal

select articles only

Christian Scholar's Review 2012+ (PDF)

Christian School Education


Christian Standard

July 2017+

Christianity and Literature

Sample issue only

Church and Faith Trends select articles only
Church History open access articles only

Concordia Journal

current issue

Concordia Journal 2008+


2018+ (PDF)

Creation select articles only
Creation Ex Nihilo select articles only

Creation Research Society Quarterly

1964+ (PDF)

Creation Social Sciences and Humanities Quarterly

select articles only

Cross Accent sample issue only
CT Pastors select articles only
Cultural Encounters current issue only


2016+ (PDF), 2002+ by article title search

Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal

Spring 1996+

Devoe Report 2017+ (PDF)

Didache : Faithful Teaching

2001+ (PDF)


select articles only

East-West Church & Ministry Report

1993 - 2017 (PDF)

Ecumenical Review sample issue only
Eikon: a Journal for Biblical Anthropology 2019+ (PDF)


2010+ (PDF)

Englewood Review of Books

select articles and reviews only (2008+)


1995-2015 (PDF)

Eruditio Ardescens

2013-2016 (PDF)

Evangelical Review of Theology 1977+ (PDF)
Evangelicals Fall 2015+
Ex Nihilo select articles only

Faith & Form

select articles only

Faith & Philosophy

1984+ (PDF)

Faith and the Academy 2016+ (PDF)

Faith Today


Family and Community Ministries 2012-2015 (PDF)

Founders Journal

1994-1995 and 2010+ (PDF)

Global Anglican sample issue only
Hymn 1949-2015 (PDF)

ICCTE Journal

2006+ (PDF)

Image : A Journal of Arts and Religion

select, 1989+


sample issue (PDF)


Fall 2012+

International Bulletin of Mission Research sample issue only
International Journal of Christianity and Education sample issue only

International Journal of Christianity & English Language Teaching

2014+ (PDF)

International Journal of Frontier Missiology

2007+ (PDF)

International Journal of Frontier Missions

1984-2006 (PDF)

International Journal of Systematic Theology sample issue only
International Review of Mission sample issue only
Interpretation sample issue only

Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

1995-2016 (PDF)

(includes previous title, CMBW News)

Journal of Applied Christian Leadership 2007+ (PDF)

Journal of Biblical Ethics in Medicine

1987-1997 (PDF)

Journal of Biblical Integration in Business

1995+ (PDF)

Journal of Christian Nursing

select, 2004+ (PDF)

Journal of Christianity and Foreign Languages

2000-2015 (PDF)

Journal of Christianity and World Languages 2016+ (PDF)  (most recent five volumes are not available)

Journal of Contemporary Theological Studies


Journal of Creation

select, 1984+ (PDF)

(Includes previous titles)

Journal of Grace Theology 2014+ (PDF)

Journal of Inductive Bible Studies

2014+ (PDF)

Journal of Moravian History sample issue only
Journal of Psychology and Theology select articles only, 2001-2017
Journal of Religion, Spirituality, and Aging select articles only

Journal of Southern Religion


Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care

select articles only

Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation

1949+ (PDF)

Journal of the Christian Institute on Disability

2012+ (PDF)

(Free registration is required to access articles.)

Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society

1958+ (PDF)

(Articles are available 2 years after being published in print. Includes previous title.)

Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society


Journal of Virtues & Leadership

2010-2013 (PDF)

Just Between Us

select, 2009+

Kairos (Biblijski institut). English

2007+ (PDF)

Leading Hearts for Christian Women May/June 2018+


1990-2017 (PDF)

Logos and Pneuma

1994+ (PDF)

 Articles in Chinese; English abstracts at end of articles

Lutheran Mission Matters 2008+ (PDF)

Master's Seminary Journal

1990+ (PDF)

Media Development

2006+ (PDF)

(Most recent issue available only to members.)


select articles, 2002-2020, found by searching web site for the newer title Anabaptist World 

Mennonite Quarterly Review

select, 1997+ (PDF)

Midwestern Journal of Theology

2003+ (PDF)

Ministry Tech Magazine

2019+ (PDF)

Missiology sample issue only

Mission Frontiers

1979+ (PDF)

Modern Reformation select articles
Musical Offerings 2010+ (PDF)
Near Eastern Archaeology sample issue only
New Testament Studies select articles
Occasional Bulletin of Missionary Research 1977-1980

One Magazine

2005+ (PDF)

Pastoral Psychology open access articles only
Pentecostal Education 2020+ (PDF)

Pentecostal Educator

2014-2017 (PDF)


2012+ (PDF)


Summer 2001+ (PDF)

Perspectives 2014-2018

Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith

1949+ (PDF)

(Articles available 1 year after being published.)

Pneuma Review

1998+ (PDF)

Priscilla Papers




Proceedings of the International Conference on Creationism 1986+ (PDF)


select articles only

Puritan Reformed Journal

2009+ (PDF)


select articles only

Reformed Presbyterian Theological Journal 2014+ (PDF)
Relevant select articles only

Renewing Minds

2012-2013 (PDF)

Review of Faith and International Affairs open access articles only
Reviews in Religion & Theology sample issue only

Social Work and Christianity

sample articles only

Soundings sample issue only

Southeastern Theological Review

2010+ (PDF)

Southwestern Journal of Theology

2006+ (PDF)


sample issue only

Studies in Puritanism and Piety 2019+ (PDF)

TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism


Teaching Theology and Religion sample issue only
Themelios 1975+ (PDF)

Theological Librarianship

2008+ (PDF)


select, 1986+ (PDF)

Transformation : An International Evangelical Dialogue on Mission and Ethics

sample issue only

Trinity Journal

sample articles only

Unio Cum Christo 2015+ (PDF) (Articles available one year after publication)

Wesleyan Advocate


Wesleyan Life

Fall 2012+ (PDF)

2004-2013 (PDF)

Wesleyan Theological Journal


(Articles available 5 years after being published)

Westminster Theological Journal

select articles only

Witness : Journal of the Academy for Evangelism in Theological Education

1986+ (PDF)

Word and Deed

1998+ (PDF)



World Christianity and the Fourfold Gospel 2018+ (PDF)

World Vision (and related titles: World Vision Magazine, World Vision Today)

1964+ (PDF)


select articles only

Zygon sample issue only