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ACL Mentoring Program

About the Mentoring Program

Welcome to the ACL Mentoring Program!

This guide will provide you with the program's guidelines, how to sign up and participate, and resources to support you during your partnership, whether you are serving as a mentor or a mentee.

The ACL Mentoring Program is intended to serve the ACLogo for ACL Mentoring ProgramL membership regardless of the kind of library in which the member is working. Mentors will be drawn from the membership as a whole, as will mentees.

What are the benefits of being mentored?

  1. Learn from experienced Librarians
  2. Receive professional and spiritual support
  3. Build lifelong relationships

Why should you mentor?

  1. Helps to refresh and sharpen skills
  2. Allows the opportunity to serve others
  3. Leaves a legacy of service to Librarianship

Join the Mentoring Program

Qualifications for Participation

All participants must be members of the Association of Christian Libraries (ACL); you can join ACL here if you are not currently a member of this organization.

In order to participate, you must also meet the following qualifications.


  1. New to the library profession within the past 5 years OR
    Working as a solitary librarian within your institution ORA woman asking a question, answered by a man while they look at a computer together
    Taken a new position with which they are unfamiliar (Example: a cataloger who becomes the library director)
  2. Willingness to follow the guidelines of the Mentoring Program
  3. Commitment to participate for one year
  4. Commitment to meet with your mentor at least once per month


  1. At least 5 years of experience in the library profession
  2. In a position similiar to that of the mentee to whom they are assigned
  3. Willingness to maintain contact with the mentee to whom they are assigned
  4. Willingness to follow the Mentoring Guidelines for the Mentoring Program
  5. Commitment to participate for one year
  6. Commitment to meet with your mentee at least once per month

Sign Up

Please ensure that you meet all of the qualifications outlined above before signing up for the ACL Mentoring Program.

Mentees: If you are interested in being mentored by someone, please sign up to be a mentee here.

Mentors: If you are interested in mentoring an individual, please sign up to be a mentor here.

Image source: Designed by pikisuperstar / Freepik