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Bible Core Section - Biblical & Theological Studies: Introduction

This guide highlights freely accessible resources relating to Biblical and Theological Studies.

Welcome to the Biblical and Theological Studies LibGuide from the Bible Core Section (BCS) of the Association of Christian Librarians (ACL). 

This guide is an on-going project of BCS and will introduce you to resources and research skills related to Biblical and Theological Studies.

The guide focuses on facilitating access to resources that are freely available on the internet.

Citation Information

Whenever you use content or ideas that are not original to you, or that you've published before, you must properly acknowledge them. Your acknowledgment should adhere to a formally recognized style guide. The most commonly used style guides for biblical and theological studies are accessible in the tabs above.
For more information on how to avoid misusing information in this way, reference this website from the University of North Carolina on plagiarism.

Evaluating Information

One of the most important steps in acquiring knowledge is evaluating the quality of information prior to your accepting it.

The following links provide a wealth of resources in how to properly evaluate information sources.

Fact Checkers